Experiments for Children - Various experiments.


Different experiments.

Grow crystals.

Crystal growth is very exciting activity and cognitive chemical experience. At home, the crystals can be grown in salt, sugar, baking soda and silicate glue. This will require a glass jar, a piece of wire and string.

Different experiments

First you need to prepare a more concentrated solution can be selected substances, making him a glass of water as long as another piece of matter is no longer dissolve with stirring. After this slightly podogreem mixture to achieve complete dissolution, which put the cup in a pan of warm water.

The resulting concentrated solution should be poured into a jar or glass, there is a wire jumper to suspend a thread on which to grow and be the future of the crystal. The vessel with the solution can be put in a warm place.

In order for the crystal is already too long and beautiful, you need a lot more time will be a solution, the larger will result. Note that the crystals will vary in shape and color depending on what kind of stuff you used to create them.

- Salt
- Sugar
- Soda
- Silicate Adhesive


Take two large plastic bottles. One of them, fill with water up to the top, top pristavte second and connect them with adhesive tape. Take the construction of the middle (at the junction), turn sharply and roll as if you are trying to stir something. A few circular motions - and you'll see this a whirl.


Cut out and glue the cone of thick cardboard with a cutting tip, stick round his clay so that it looked like a mountain. Inside the cone, insert a plastic bottle or jar out of soap bubbles.

Install the entire structure on a tray or baking sheet and change clothes in the clothes you do not mind staining. Prepare a solution: a glass of water a teaspoon of baking soda, the same amount of dishwashing detergent and a bag of red food coloring (red gouache can be).

All stir and place the cardboard inside the volcano. Now take a bottle of vinegar and carefully pour a little into the hole of the volcano (that fell into a jar with a solution, of course). There will be a reaction of baking soda and vinegar, and you will see a volcano in all its glory!

Thermal expansion.

For this experiment again take a plastic bottle. Pour hot water into it and hold it a minute or two. Then pour the water, close the bottle cap and put it in the refrigerator. The air inside the bottle will cool compress and deform the bottle.

In order to bring it to its original state, again, pour it into hot water. The experience can be repeated indefinitely. You may want to diversify some of this experience. For chilled bottle slipped a balloon, then the design is heated under a stream of hot water.

The air in the bottle expands and inflates the balloon. If there is a thin rubber gloves, you can try to repeat this experience with them, wearing a glove on the bottle and secure it with rubber bands.

Rocket launch.

In order to make the most simple rocket, you will need construction paper, scissors, glue, a jar of film and effervescent tablet of aspirin. Master of colored paper case (the lighter the better), the body is inserted down a jar from the film down a hole and fill it with fuel in it - the warm water and effervescent tablets.

Close the fuel cap and put a rocket on the launch pad. After a few seconds it should take off.


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